Kinesiology For Kids 2025
Knowledge is not just learning how and what to do. I believe in order to help people, you must understand why challenges occur and what leads to the symptoms that we are seeing in our kids.
Too many kids are struggling on a daily basis,
with not enough real support in the community.
As a Kinesiologist, we are in a unique position to truly help our kids to thrive,
rather than just survive and "cope better".
I've been teaching this course to Kinesiologists all around Australia for 7 years now, helping others to become a confident, professional
and valued service within their communities.
This course changes the way you practice.
No longer will you feel like you're just doing techniques or balances....
I want to teach you how to hold space and work as a therapist to support not just the children through what they are experiencing, but the whole family as well.